What is a VPN service? What tasks does it solve?

Before learning the service’ operation principles, you need to understand what a VPN means. Virtual Private Network is a special algorithm that creates a secure connection to the network in encrypted form. VPN helps you protect your personal data from third parties due to encryption. The main purpose of VPN for Mac is to keep the personal data confidential. The service ensures that the transmitted information doesn’t leave the network in the public domain.

Network operation principles

To connect to VPN, it’s necessary to install the program on your PC or mobile device. When users access the Internet, everyone can see their real IP addresses. Third parties can view the search history, see the purchases, etc.

If you log in through a VPN server, the real IP address will be hidden. The virtual network address takes its place.

Downloading VPN and using it gives you the following opportunities:

  • Easily bypass restrictions at the local level. When you select a free foreign VPN tunnel, regional restrictions cease to have effect. Therefore, the user can easily access blocked platforms.

In 2018, the Telegram messenger was blocked on the territory of the Russian Federation. Downloading for Russian IP addresses has been terminated. To bypass the blocks, the owner Pavel Durov suggested using a proxy service or VPN.

  • Stay anonymous. After connecting to the service, online surfing becomes encrypted. And that’s why the third parties won’t be able to collect any data. They can only get a strange combination of random characters.

Many security services recommend using VPN for employees to reduce the risk of hacker attacks. In recent years, the number of cyber threats has increased several times, and the businesses have suffered losses of up to 6 trillion dollars. For this reason, VPN services have become popular – primarily for companies. And nowadays, they’re in huge demand for ordinary Internet users.